of script writing

So I read a script this week and thought to myself…I can do that. Will be sharing some of the short stories that I get inspired to write here.

Wish me luck!


ohh don’t forget to live. That’s the whole point of being here

of feminism

If you would have asked me a year ago if I was a feminist I would have probable said NO. It hadn’t crossed my mind what I believe in and feel very passionate about is actually a thing. If felt great knowing I wasn’t the only one fighting this in my own small world.

I really wasn’t planning to write about this. But I cant just keep quiet. We have seen women being stripped naked because of the clothes they are wearing. It honestly doesn’t make the situation better. If she was so badly dressed and it really bothered you why not cover her up? This is a violent act and it’s so offensive I haven’t brought myself to watching the videos. I am afraid I might weep or just raise my blood pressure.

I am a feminist. My boyfriend is worried he might see me on the news protesting something but I know he only worries for my safety. I grew up with two brothers. Life for me as a kid wasn’t defined as “girl and boy do different things”. That only started as I grew closer to that age where boobs start to pop out. I wasn’t for it….the change in behavior. I wanted to do the same things by brother would. I had the capacity to anyway. climb trees, race, get dirty…but it wasn’t what girls did.

I picked a career that excited me. A career where 80% or more of my colleagues have been men. I love technology. And I have had to fight to be looked at as a colleague and not a woman. Now we fight over discrimination and violence. When did this get to violence? Sometimes I wish men would be women for a day. See how we are teased, looked at like objects, how most of us were sexually abused growing up, sexually harassed at work….just because we are women.

I want a world where we do not discriminate. Everyone should be given an equal opportunity. Men are great cooks, women are great leaders…either one can do another. It starts with us. I cannot wait to be a mother and teach my children what I only learnt the hard way.

Let us protect our women, stop violence against women.

Why African ‘traditionalists’ should be the loudest supporters of feminism (including #mydressmychoice)

I don’t know how else I would have said this.


If you listen to discussions in the public space for and against all the the poor women who have been stripped, humiliated and molested in Kenya’s public spaces, you will see a strong and predictable thread that blames ‘modernization’ for society’s ills. This basically means that tv and media have transformed our women from the submissive angels they were into scantily dressed part-time prostitutes who’s sole mission in life is to confuse men by tapping into their wild and untamed sexual desires. These women are asking for it, and the problem is modernization.

Except it is not.

When we talk about traditional African values, we fall into this little happy place where we can fantasize about what it meant to be African. For the loudest and most ignorant, it simply means a society where women were passive, subjugated and at the mercy of their men. It was a world where…

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DON’T STAY TOO LONG by Tyler Perry


I haven’t written in a while so this is a little long, but it’s so worth your time to read.

I was in Wyoming recently and I was taking in the beauty of the place. I mean, I love it. As I was looking up at the mountains I saw an eagle flying above me. I had to stop and take in its majestic beauty. I had never seen a real life eagle. All I had heard about an eagle was in church when the pastor said that the eagle pushes its young out of the nest to teach it to fly. It really did move me watching this bird that had no doubt been pushed out of the nest and had learned to do what I was watching it do. 

I got back to the cabin that evening and I started doing some research on eagles. I was so excited to read the story of how it learned to fly. Well, to my surprise, eagles pushing their young out of the nest is a myth. I was shocked. I know that I heard a preacher say that in church… now I ain’t gonna say that that pastor lied but I will say he didn’t do the research… LOL. So I did it on my own. I did find some interesting facts that got me thinking about life… mine and yours. It’s funny how God can speak through everything. Here’s what I found.

Eagles build the biggest nest of all birds. It’s huge, comfortable and deep. One of the most interesting things that I found was the way that the eagle gets its young chicks to fly out of the nest. For many weeks it brings food to the nest. The little eagles have no worries, they have all they need to survive. But when the adult eagle deems that it’s time for the young eagles to fly, things get uncomfortable.

Now the young eagle doesn’t know that it’s time to fly, but the wisdom and the bird’s eye view of the mother knows that it’s time for the chicks to leave the nest. So you know what she does? She doesn’t bring food to the babies anymore, and this is what I found fascinating. Many times she will fly around the nest with the food in her beak so that the young eagles will be tempted or so hungry that they are forced to fly out of the nest and take it out of her beak. Stay with me I’m going somewhere here.

As I thought about this, I thought about my life and how many times I was in a very comfortable space. I had all I needed. There was no need for me to go any further because I was comortable. I wanted to stay there forever. You have to be careful when you get comfortable and stay too long. It’s easy to stop dreaming when your belly is full. You won’t feel the need to fly at all. 

The truth is, as long as I was there in that really comfortable space, I wasn’t fulfilling my own destiny or my purpose. I wasn’t flying, I was content. Remember this, your greatest prayers are not usually answered in comfort. Think about it. I can really get deep into this with stories from my past but you’re probably tired of reading already… LOL… so I’ll try and wrap it up.

It took an uncomfortable situation or being hungry to make me get out and fly. Many times in life things are going well, but then everything that was so great changes and we wonder why. We wonder what happened. We are caught off guard. I am of the opinion that in those times God, who knows when it’s time for us to leave the nest, is allowing it to become uncomfortable so that we can move on to our next mission in life. Our next hope, our next dream, our next level.

After not realizing this for many years and resisting changes and going through hell, I’m glad to say that I have become so sensitive to when it’s time to move that I will move without having to have the turmoil. I’m telling you I was so stubborn that the house had to burn down for me to move. Now I know better. I’m aware of when it starts to happen, like things happen that don’t make any sense. People you have been friends with or in business with or otherwise for years just seem to go crazy and you don’t know why. What I’ve learned in those moments is that it is a time to fly. Business changes, jobs go away, friends break your heart, marriages end, relationships end, and most times all these things are signs that it’s time to take flight to your next level.

Nobody likes change, I get it, but don’t be angry or bitter when things change. Don’t be mad with people, especially when you know you did right by them and you did all you could do for the friendship or relationship. I’m sorry to tell you this my friend, but this moment was not about them it was all about you. I’m telling you if God has allowed you to become so uncomfortable in your situation, whatever it is, then its time for you to move! Don’t be afraid, just fly!

Last thing and then I’m done . there is one part of the eagle story that I haven’t told you yet, and this is my favorite part. If those baby eagles get out of the nest and they are trying to fly and it’s not going well, then that same mother bird that provided for them while they were in the nest, that same eagle will fly under the baby eagle to keep it from falling, to keep it on course, and give it a sense of security. God’s got you, don’t be afraid! He won’t let you fall!

Now here’s the question: what situation in your life has become so uncomfortable that you feel like you’re being starved for what you need? Maybe its God’s way of telling you it’s time to fly! It’s time to fly for your own dreams and your own hopes and goals. Fly for true love and real hope. This is your moment to fly, in 2014. Make this the year that you leave the nest without fear.

The Road Not Taken

The Road Not Taken


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

of LIFE ( from Grey’s anatomy season 10)

“We’re all gonna die. We don’t get much say over how or when. But we do get to decide how we’re gonna live. So do it. Decide. Is this the life you wanna live? Is this the person you wanna love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? kinder? more compassionate? DECIDE. Breathe in…breathe out. And DECIDE ” Dr. Webber


Have a blessed weekend

Truly, Jem

Why 30 is not the new 20


Clinical psychologist Meg Jay has a bold message for twentysomethings: Contrary to popular belief, your 20s are not a throwaway decade. In this provocative talk, Jay says that just because marriage, work and kids are happening later in life, doesn’t mean you can’t start planning now. She gives 3 pieces of advice for how twenty somethings can re-claim adulthood in the defining decade of their lives.

Waza Experience| Never Give up


Waza is one great initiative that I am very proud to be a part of. Teaching children creative thinking gets them into a comfortable place where they think outside the box or even better, like there is no box.

When we got to the school, there were just a few students available. Luckily after we settled some more showed up.  We started with an ice breaking game. You could see their minds stirring in the process trying to come up with a name for the action we were performing.

After the game we sat down to get into more ‘serious’ business. The students were tasked with writing down some of their day to day problems. After, we narrowed them down and discussed how to fix or avoid those problems. Very thoughtful ideas were shared. The students were comfortable enough to share with us what adults would call sensitive information. Issues like peer pressure, power and rent issues. In fact, one student shared the same problem as one of the Waza volunteers, waking up late. A few of us know about that too well.  It was exciting to see them think through their problems and come up with solutions.  Even more inspiring was a writing engraved on one of the desks, “NEVER GIVE UP.”

We ended with a photo session where we all posed and made serious to funny faces.  Humbling, inspiring and amazing experience.Image

If you’re interested in volunteering, check out their blog:http://www.wazaexperience.org/