of Gen Y


The generation of fast movers. A friend of mine had on his whatsapp status as “move fast, break things.” There is some sense to it. My mind has been thinking a lot about my generation of late 20 something and early 30 something. I am surrounded by ambitious young people. People who go to work, go to school, have a business on the side and still make time for investment clubs and such like things. They are full of energy. Millionaires in the 20s. They want more, they realize a day only has 24 hours but there are ready to work 90% of the time. Sleep is overrated in their universe.They are paying the price….but what is it for? I am in that place where a good vacation involves those close to my heart, sight seeing, hot weather, dancing, learning something new, doing something new….not how my vacations used to be. I used to go home more tired and hangovered wondering if I was on vacation or on a drinking marathon. Gen Y is also among all the hard work, drinking more, smoking more, sleeping less and picking up other high risk vices. Gen Y understands Wale’s song “BAD” like they wrote it. Stable relationships are not a priority. Interestingly there is a lot of insecurity in their eyes, almost like they know something is off and they will have to deal with it eventually.  Or maybe someone will finally see through all the hype…but of course this isn’t all of them…

So now what? Well I ask, what is all the hard work for? For money for now? Today?


Don’t you want to be 50? don’t you want grand kids? Don’t you want an empire? Rome wasn’t built in one day. Success might be what we measure it as, but I think success is in the quality of life. Not the intensity of it.You don’t want to spend most of your time in hospitals later when you could be enjoying your hard earned money on a saint something island in the Caribbean.

I salute my 20 something friends going into business. I salute those with a bigger vision, those inspiring others and influencing those around them and leaving a trail of future business leaders.  I salute my 30 something millionaires working hard and employing others and still showing the kind of humility that doesn’t come easy. I applaud those thinking of chasing their dreams. Go for it.

Here’s an article on Forbes on the Paradoxes of Gen y.


of emotional storms


Sometimes, once in a while, there is a low overwhelming feeling that finds refuge in your heart. Once in a while, just like when you don’t have enough blood sugar, like when you need to sit down and catch a break, we fall. Through this ocean we call life, climates change. The tides overwhelm even the most optimistic and hardworking. You get into a place where you stop fighting back, and embrace the painful whip of life. The sadness, the regrets, the flaws. You open yourself to a bashing of self. You think of the things you do not have that you want, especially the ones that haunt you in your dreams. You overwhelm yourself with memories of someone lost, someone gone forever. You allow yourself to feel it, deep down. And you cry.

Morning comes with sunrise, another day. With a whiplash of emotions, you carry on. The storm is over.

Truly, Jem.

An amazing things happens when you get honest with yourself and start doing what you love, what makes you happy. <3

Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life

Phlight of the Phoenix

07.29.13 // My Mondays

Get honest with yourself


As I continue to do more and more work on myself, further evolving and allowing my truest self to shine through, I find that the message above is absoLUTEly the kind of phenomenon I’ve been encountering in my own world . . . and I gotta tell ya — it’s beyond incredible! Totally AND completely worth all the pain and struggle I experienced in order to get closer to this state of truly being.

Once you finally allow yourself to see things from a clearer perspective, you can’t allow a hazy veil to mask your eyes, your mind, or your heart any longer.

Get honest with yourself. Do what you love. Do what makes you happy. 🙂 

with passion & gratitude — jennifer

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