of LIFE ( from Grey’s anatomy season 10)

“We’re all gonna die. We don’t get much say over how or when. But we do get to decide how we’re gonna live. So do it. Decide. Is this the life you wanna live? Is this the person you wanna love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? kinder? more compassionate? DECIDE. Breathe in…breathe out. And DECIDE ” Dr. Webber


Have a blessed weekend

Truly, Jem

Movie-The Words


What a wonderful coincidence! I just watched this movie after I wrote about words in movies yesterday. I loved it. The moment the movie ended I was left upset, I didn’t want it to end. If you like a good movie, this is the one for you. What are the chances that a movie starring Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana will disappoint you? close to nil. The movie is about a writer at the peak of his literary success discovers the steep price he must pay for stealing another man’s work with a twist in the end.

of words in movies

I sometimes watch movies like a literature class. I like to listen to words, pick out good soundtracks and most of all, astounding words of inspiration or poetry. I just watched a movie called Stuck in Love. There isn’t much to write about this move. I like the references to writing and poetry.

Among many things happening in the movie, a boy is asked by his dad to experience life so he can have something to write about. He had on his journal words that were also narrated when the movie was starting, “I remember that it hurt, looking at her hurt.” I almost paused the movie and let those words sink in. If you do not have some curiosity of how that feels like then am not with you on this. I wondered how someone would get to that place where good feelings hurt…. . He fancied this girl across him to the extent it hurt him. Words…..amazing.

The movie continues and he has to recite a poem in the class:


“In the sea of desks there is talk of bags and games and long pipes that lead dreams with a strike of a match
and there is a loudness to whispers i hear
whispers shouldn’t be that loud should they?
there is a girl over there who everyone knows and men without ears will stand by the door for a price
in long hallways there are angry mobs of dwarfs and rats and one single angel…”

Overall, I would give the move a 5/10.  It covers some really important issues in life: forgiveness, patience, living, faith and vulnerability. Also good for those who want to read more and never get to like me 🙂


Kofi Awoonor-RIP


I would like to dedicate today’s post to Kofi Awoonor. I had the luxury to hear him speak on Friday in Nairobi. He provoked us to tell the african story. To understand our roots. He teased about death and mentioned how he was at peace with it. Sadly he was killed in the terrorist attack on Saturday at Westgate mall, Nairobi. 

My heart goes out to his family. You are a true inspiration. Rest in peace .

“Within the airwaves we carry
our hutted entrails; and we pray;
shrieks abandoned by lonely road-sides
as the gunmen’s boots tramp.
I lift up the chalice of hyssop and tears
to touch the lips of the thirsty
sky-wailing in a million spires
of hate and death; we pray
bearing the single hope to shine
burnishing in the destiny of my race
that glinting sword of salvation.” Kofi Awoonor

writer’s block

I am not inspired, I don’t know why. So I will write about that. Today I went for a writer’s forum and learnt a few things. I was around a man who published his first book in the 1960’s. Thats a mighty long time ago. He reminded me why writing is so important. Why it’s crucial to share your story. I believe the reader picks the author so for you reading this now, thank you.

Hoping that inspiration will find me. ……but in the meantime join me in mediation. In that place where we allow our thoughts to rule. That place where we breathe and settle. Think about your week, think about the blessing of life. Be thankful and do something for someone else. I just did, I wasn’t up for it but it didn’t kill me helping someone I am not fond of.  Then get out there and continue living.


Truly, Jem.